Brian Gumm » Where the Red Fern Grows Study Guide and Reading Selections

Where the Red Fern Grows Study Guide and Reading Selections

Where the Red Fern Grows reading selection is below. This novel is worth 11 points and is a 4.9 reading level.

  • Thursday-Sunday, Sept. 12th-15th Assignment 1 (chapters 1-4 I or I-IV)
  • Monday, Sept. 16th Assignment 2 chapters (chapters 5-7 or V-VII)
  • Tuesday, Sept.17th Assignment 3 (chapters 8-9 or VIII-IX)
  • Wednesday, Sept. 18th Assignment 4 (chapters 10-12 or X-XII)
  • Thursday, Sept. 19th Assignment 5 (chapters 13-14 or XIII-XIV)
  • Friday-Sunday, Sept. 20th-22nd Assignment 6 (chapters 15-16 or XV-XVI)
  • Monday, Sept. 23rd Assignment 7 (chapters 17-18 or XVII-XVIII)
  • Tuesday, Sept. 24th Assignment 8 (chapters 19-20 or XIX-XX
  • Wednesday, September 25th is the comprehensive test 

***********Pizza Project due Friday Sept. 26th by 8:00 am